
The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Hernia



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Astrey Cooper, F.R.S.

Illustrated by Plates(銅版画)

Ⅰ The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Inguinal and Congenital Hernia (PartⅠ)

  vi, 60pages, 11Plates, 1804,London

The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Crural and Umbilical Hernia, &c. &c. (PartⅡ)

     ⅲ, 90pages, 17Plates,1807, London





  1. Genaral Description of Hernia
  2. Of the Anatomy of the Parts concerned with Inguinal Hernia
  3. Of the Inguinal Hernia
  4. Of the Causes of Hernia
  5. Of the Reducible Hernia, and Use of Trusses
  6. Of the Irreducible Hernia
  7. Of the Stangulated Hernia
  8. Of the Treatment of Stangulated Hernia
  9. Circumstances to be considered previous to the Oparation
  10. Of the Operation for Inguinal Hernia
  11. Mortification of the Intestine
  12. Of the Treatment after the Return of the protruded Parts
  13. Of very large Herniae
  14. Of Small Inguinal Herniae
  15. Of the Inguinal Hernia on the innner Side of the Epigastric Artery
  16. Of Hernia in the Female
  17. On the Congenital Hernia, or Hernia Tunicae Vaginalis Testis


  1. Of the Structure of the Parts concerned with Crural Hernia
  2. Of the Symptoms and Dissection Crural Hernia
  3. Of the Reducible and Irreducible Crural Hernia
  4. Treatment of Strangulated Crural Hernia and Operation
  5. Of the Varieties of Crural Hernia
  6. Of the Operation inwards
  7. Cases of Crural Hernia


  1. Of the Symptoms and Causes of Umbilical Hernia
  2. Of the Reducible and Irreducible Umbilical Hernia
  3. Of the stangulated Umbilical Hernia

             Causes of Umbilical Hernia

             Of the Ventral Hernia

             Of the Pudental Hernia

             Of the Vaginal Hernia

             Of the Perineal Hernia

             Of the Thyroideal Hernia

             Of the Cystic Hernia

             Of the Ischiatic Hernia

             Of the Phrenic Hernia

             Of the Mesenteric Hernia

             Of the Mesocolic Hernia

             Of the Stangulated Intestine